With the motto “what comes from heart, will definitely be rewarded by heart”, VIDAN Corporation always hopes to change the image of muddy farmers, towards building the image of Vietnamese farmers in the twenty-first century with the manner of a modern scientist, a successful businessman, an efficient agricultural manager wearing a cap, wearing a Blouse, and riding a car. In the near future, along with wise- strong- conscientious human resource, always devoted to the farmer, “VIDAN – the fertilizer of 4th generation”  with the commitment ” definitely bumper” promises to do “bring fame to Vietnamese agriculture”.

Msc Nguyễn Văn Phong

VIDAN director


The captain of the VIDAN ship – Master Nguyen Van Phong always thinks: “What comes from heart, is definitely rewarded by heart”. This has become a guideline throughout the process of VIDAN establishment, the driving force for each member of the VIDAN apparatus to strive to perfect themselves.

For employees

For stable and prosperous development, VIDAN Corporation has set three basic rules for all employees. These are: 1. Reflect true; 2. Be honest in all situations; 3. Useful in all activities. These are the three compulsory regulations for employees when working and participating in VIDAN activities. Because of the fact that before building trust with the partners and customers, each employee of VIDAN must build trust in the Board of Directors and colleagues in the Corporation.

At VIDAN Corporation, we always consider employees as special customers of the company, are the decisive factor for the existence and development of the company. Therefore, with the motto “Act like an owner “, the Corporation always creates conditions for each individual to bring into full play their potentials, to work properly for each individual’s forte by confidently entrusting tasks that are consistent with their abilities and experience.

Continuously every month, every quarter, the Corporation will foster the spiritual, professional and theoretical values of employees through agricultural technical training courses; thematic classes on scientific research; seminars on the operating mechanism of the Corporation; discuss about social issues of concern; professional training courses, sales skills, behavioral skills at work … to further improve soft skills at work, in life and enhance human values for each VIDAN employee.

In particular, VIDAN Corporation regularly organizes direct dialogues between company leaders and all employees to open up the democratization process in the business, learn from experience, understand and sympathize each other to develop together. In addition, the Corporation also encourages and facilitates its employees to participate in other short and long-term professional training courses to develop themselves

At VIDAN Corporation, the employees are always respected and appreciated for their dedication through the proper distribution of profits to each individual. To ensure this fairness, the Corporation has applied the performance evaluation regulations through the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) so that everyone has the opportunity to devote, create and get success through the opening salary fund and preferred shares of the Corporation. The individuals with excellent achievements, in addition to the awards of special material value, are also sent to study specialized courses at the institutes – universities, to visit, travel abroad ..

In addition, every year, VIDAN Corporation regularly organizes tours, traveling, football exchanges, arts and poems, in order to nurture the soul and spirit of the employees; to encourage, visit, and give gifts to workers’ families with difficult circumstances during holidays and Tet; awarding scholarships to students and employees’ children with advanced and excellent academic achievements.

Along with production and business, the Corporation is also interested in volunteering, gratitude, taking care of difficult families, awarding scholarships to university and high school students, supporting students with difficult circumstances in remote areas…

For dealers and gardeners

VIDAN Corporation always thinks: “Always gives the win to customers”, and considers “Farmer’s Garden” as “VIDAN’s House”. The success and prosperity of each dealer, gardener is also the success and prosperity of the Corporation. And each dealer, each customer is an important link contributing to the development of the VIDAN fertilizer brand.

Therefore, over the past years, in order to enhance the efficiency in customer care activities, VI DAN has always focused on building a team of agricultural engineers and specialized outside staffs- good skills in the field of fertilizer and agriculture, also need to have dedication, enthusiasm and gratitude to customers.

In addition, VIDAN Corporation always organizes regular customer conferences for dealers in the distribution network in order to promote consulting and better service to farmers. At these conferences, the dealer owners are equipped with customer service skills, knowledge of fertilizers, and plant physiology. From there, agents can self-consult and help their customers to use VIDAN’s products in the most effective manner.

In addition, every year, VI DAN Corporation spends billions of VND to organize practical activities such as organizing formal seminars, workshops, garden visits, sales consulting, gift giving, and organizing tours, travel in the country … to send gratitude to agents and gardeners.


Through these activities, the Corporation wishes to further strengthen relationships with customers, so that all links in the VIDAN system always operate in the most smooth and efficient way.