FROM HEART TO HEAR With the motto “what comes from heart, will definitely be rewarded by heart”, VIDAN Corporation always hopes to change the image of muddy farmers, towards building the image of Vietnamese farmers in the twenty-first century with the manner of a modern scientist, a successful businessman, an efficient agricultural manager wearing a cap, wearing a Blouse, and riding a car. In the near future, along with wise- strong- conscientious human resource, always devoted to the farmer, “VIDAN – the fertilizer of 4th generation” with the commitment ” definitely bumper” promises to do “bring fame to Vietnamese agriculture”. Msc Nguyễn Văn Phong VIDAN director |

VI DAN Corporation is licensed to operate in the following areas:
VIDAN Corporation has always positioned its brand with a commitment to responsibility and quality on each product. Because, quality is created from quality value and itself makes prosperity. Currently, VIDAN Corporation is manufacturing and supplying over 110 products including root fertilizers, foliar fertilizers, microbiological fertilizers, growth stimulants and plant protection substances which are suitable for each type of plants grown in different ecological regions.
All products of VIDAN Corporation are manufactured from imported raw materials, packed with modern equipment and technology and a closed inspection process to ensure output products always have the highest quality.